My Favourite YA Romance Authors

Where do I begin! Okay, so I can go on and on and list all of my all-time favourite authors, but instead I’ll refrain and narrow it down to my top 3.

Here we go!


Zoe’s best selling series Girl Online is the sole reason I’m such a devoted romance reader.. If her name sound pretty familiar, it’s probably because she’s also a bit of an internet celeb for her vlogs, or you may have even heard of her make-up line. Whatever it may be, Zoe had me absolutely hooked onto her Girl Online trilogy with its teasing and flirtatious storyline, unexpected plot, and loveable characters that feel like life long friends as you get to know them. I’ll definitely be posting on my blog about this series, so keep your eyes peeled for more on this warm and bubbly romance.


Stephanie Perkins is an American author, known for her books Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door, and of coarse The New York Times bestseller Isla and the Happily Ever After! Stephanie’s books are such easy reads, and by the end of her novels you feel as though you’ve planted a life long connection with her loveable characters and will be begging for a sequel! Her books are cleverly and subtly interconnected, which makes them all the more romantic, down right cute, and has you going “Oooohhh that makes sense”. Go and try any of her novels and I promise you’ll be swooning and longing for a love of your own by the end.

“No one captures the exhilarating and exhausting ‘but-does-he-like-me?!” question better than Stephanie Perkins. A scrumptious read.” – JUSTIN CHEN


All hail Jenn Bennett, my favorite romance author by a mile! Alex Approximately, Starry Eyes, Serious Moonlight, The Anatomical Shape of a Heart (aka. Night Owls) are my favorite novels of all time with their rush of young love and carnal desire, and easing relationships that we watch blossom in front of our eyes. I’ve never been so in love with love than when I was reading her books and swear by her easy story telling that imprints on your heart. Her work is utterly irresistible!

Who’s your favorite romance author? I’d love to know 😉

Published by Written in the Stars

Love to read & review romantic heart-jerkers

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